Invaders®: Raider6 Collective
Invaders®: Raider6 Collective
Founded in 2014, today Invaders Amplification® stands as a steadfast pillar in the boutique amp market. Synonymous with impeccable attention to detail, versatility in the all important tone department and an inventive, forward-thinking approach to design, the sheer depth of tone achieved by this Belgian-born brand is – put simply – second-to-none!
With their long-awaited followup to their inaugural DynIR release, expect a ground-up rework of their stock enclosure arsenal, all retrofitted with Celestion®’s and Eminences®’s finest. The result? The perfect blend of forward-projecting sonics and next-level adaptability making these captures a dead-cert for any discerning tone chaser’s arsenal!
Enter the “Invaders®: Raider6 Collective” DynIR cab collection combining every new-for-2024 Invaders® guitar enclosure capture into one super saver assemblage. Featuring the CAB512, CAB9112, CAB9412, CAB9212, BlueVerb and BlueGrass enclosures, brace yourself for the pinnacle in cab design, all engineered to complement the companion driver to perfection! Add to this a driver roster inspired by Eminence®’s mighty Legend and Celestion®’s Heritage 65, and you’re primed with a veritable smorgasbord of tonal stylyings, ripe for any sonic exploit!
All captured by legendary Capture Master Noise Factory, the “Invaders®: Raider6 Collective” packs a primo mic collection and the crème-de-la-crème when it comes to studio outboard. The result? This is one collection that’s primed for any recording- or live-scenario, offering seamless adaptability from the studio to the stage.
Ce produit contient des enceintes virtuelles DynIR cabinet. Les enceintes virtuelles DynIR doivent être utilisées avec du matériel ou un plug-in audio Torpedo.
En savoir plus: Gamme Torpedo | Technologie DynIR
Invaders®: Raider6 Collective
Invaders®: Raider6 Collective
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