When you think ‘Death Metal’, one name crops up time-and-time again: Erik Rutan.
Cuttin’ his teeth in Ripping Corpse and Morbid Angel, today he is a certified trailblazer front-and-centre in Hate Eternal and the legendary Cannibal Corpse. When not touring, Rutan resides as a critically-acclaimed producer and Owner of Mana Recording Studios – a veritable hot-bed for Metal production, having played host to Cannibal Corpse, Hate Eternal, Krisiun, Goatwhore, Soilent Green, Madball, Agnostic Front, The Mountain Goats, Activision’s Guitar Hero and MTV Games’ Rock Band to name but a few. In short, if you’re seeking the undoctored definition of leviathan level tone, look no further than Erik Rutan and his seminal DynIR Release “Mana Recording Sessions” – a bonafide terminus for standout guitar sonics.