Seeking the ultimate custom GENOME experience? Look no further than our selection of premium AMPS, PEDALS and STUDIO FX, all engineered to provide you top-flight sonics and the essence of our tone-bending know-how.
Available for purchase in addition to your GENOME licence – not to mention demo-able directly inside the latest version of our carrier class end-to-end tone shaping ecosystem – our Component add-ons are the definitive fast-track to building your very own bespoke GENOME backline!
Check Out Our Super-Saver EXTENSIONS Collections!
Just looking for AMPS, PEDALS and STUDIO FX at bargain basement pricing? EXTENSIONS are a one-stop-shop!
Browse Our Latest Component Collections
On the hunt for the perfectly matched PEDALS, AMPS, STUDIO FX and DynIRs? Our Component Collections are your fast-track to tonal bliss!
Browse Our Latest PEDAL Components
Browse Our Latest STUDIO FX Components
Browse Our Latest AMP Components
Recommended For You
Want These Killer AMPS, PEDALS and STUDIO FX? You’ll Need a copy of GENOME!
Discover GENOME, the carrier class software ecosystem engineered to deliver the pinnacle in end-to-end tone shaping. Fusing an ever-growing roster of amplifiers, pedals, class-leading virtual cabinets and essential STUDIO FX, GENOME is your first – and final – destination for the ultimate in-the-box or hybrid backline.
Super-charged IR files
Curate your own dynir bundle
Build your own DynIR cab bundle. The bigger the pack, the bigger the discount!