Think you’ve got the chops to bag yourself a ReVolt Guitar, ReVolt Bass or a C.A.B. M+? Put your money where your mouth is with our inaugural ReVolt Riff Masters competition!
How to Enter?
Entry into our February ReVolt Riff Masters Competition is a snap:
First grab the backing tracks here https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/hemnlo1jagy4y1dx0q5n3/h?dl=0&rlkey=ihcdxowu03fusc52u5paoqp7l
Then record your best solo over your favourite backing track
Finally, upload your video to Instagram and/or Facebook, making sure you include the Hashtags: #ReVoltRiffMastersTQ #ReVolt #Twonotes
We will consolidate all the entries and lock off the competition on February 23rd.
Once Tom has selected a winner, we will publish the results on our social feeds and only lucky participant will get their choice of either a ReVolt Guitar, ReVolt Bass or a C.A.B. M+!